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Abbreviations & Acronyms

AAA  Amateur Athletics Association
AAM   Anti-Apartheid Movement
AFASS American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society
ANC African National Congress
ATS Auxiliary Territorial Service
AWS African Writers Series
BBE Black British English Empire
BDDT Black Dance Development Trust
BFASS British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society
BFI British Film Institute
BFM  Black Filmmaker Magazine
BMS Baptist Missionary Society
BWIR British West Indies Regiment
CAC Carnival and Arts Committee
CAM  Caribbean Artistic Movement
CAO Committee of African Organisations
CARD Campaign Against Racial Discrimination
CARICOM Caribbean Community
CASBAH Caribbean Studies, Black and Asian History project
CAVE Community and Village Entertainment
CES Christian Evidence Society
CMS Church Missionary Society
CPDA Colonial People's Defence Association
CPGB Communist Party of Great Britain
CRE Commission for Racial Equality
CRER Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations
EEC European Economic Community
EIC  East India Company
ENSA Entertainment National Service Association
ESN educationally subnormal
FA Football Assodation
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
GCE  General Certificate of Educadon
GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education
GLC Greater London Council
HCC Handsworth Cultural Centre
IAI  International African Institute
IASB International African Service Bureau
ICA  Institute of Contemporary Arts
ICS Institute of Commonwealth Studies
ITN Independent Television News
ITUCNW International Trade Union Committee of Negro Worked Association
IWA Indian Workers' Association
LEA Local education authority
LCP League of Coloured Peoples
LMS London Missionary Society
LPBS Labour Party black Sections
LSE London School of Economics
MBE Member of the Order of the British
NCBWA National Congress of British West Africa
NCO non-commissioned officer
NHS National Health Service
NIBMAR No Independence before Majority Rule
NWA Negro Welfare Association
OCBBH The Oxford Companion to Black British History
ODNB Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (2004)
PAC Pan-African Congress
PNM People's National Movement
QC Queen's Counsel
QCA Qualifications and Curriculum Authority
RAAS Racial Adjustment Action Society
RAF Royal Air Force
RAS Royal African Society
RCA  Royal College of Art
SANNC  South African Native National Congress
SATIS Southern Africa the Imprisoned Society
SCM   Student Christian Movement
SPG Society for the Propagation of the Gospel or Special Patrol Group
SSO Southern Syncopated Orchestra
SWAPO South West African People's Organisation
TUC  Trades Union Congress
UCPA Universal Coloured People’s Association
IJNIA Universal Negro Improvement Association
WAAF Women's Auxiliary Air Force
WMU West African Students' Union
WISC West Indian Standing Conference
WISU West Indian Students' Union
YMCA Young Men's Christian Association
YWCA Young Women's Christian Association



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