ADAMS, Leonard
Dr Leonard Adams, internationally known for his contributions to the study of 18th century French literature, was born in Trinidad and educated at the University of the Wlest Indies (BA 1958), Mc1\/Iaster University (MA 1967) and the University of London (PhD 1971). He taught at the University of Guelph, Ontario, from 1967 until 1996 and was elevated to the status of Professor Emeritus when he retired. He is best known for his seven—volume edition of William Wake’s Gallican Correspondence and Related Documents 1716-1737 which appeared during 1988-93. In addition to numerous scholarly articles, Adams also wrote Coyer and the Enlightenment which is volume 123 of Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century (1974). An accomplished musician, he has won prizes for his singing and has given recitals in several Caribbean islands.